The second instalment of the gripping young adult series races onto screens. At the end of 2014 hit The Maze Runner, Thomas (Dylan O'Brien) and his fellow Gladers escaped from the eponymous maze and the terrifying biomechanical Grievers. The Gladers discovered that they were part of a top-secret scientific experiment - however, this is but one part of the wider picture. For beyond the confines of the maze, the world has been obliterated - and is far more deadly than they could possibly have imagined. They must work together to uncover the secrets of mysterious organisation WCKD, a journey that takes them to the hostile environment of the Scorch. There, they might find the answers they seek. With its talented ensemble of rising young stars, this continuation of the Maze Runner storyline promises more fast-paced action and surprises as we get to see what lies in store for the brave and resourceful Gladers.
Every week (usually Tuesday) I go to the Cinema at :- Parrs Wood Entertainment Centre, Wilmslow Road, M20 5PG. I have got what they call an unlimited cards which cost £14.99 a month and for this you can go as many times as you like. If anybody would like to join me please email : or text / call 07909299213. For further details about unlimited or to see what's on go to
Monday, 21 September 2015
Sunday, 6 September 2015
Me And Earl And The Dying Girl
A socially reclusive film-mad teenager makes an unlikely friend in this acclaimed indie drama. Seventeen-year-old Greg is a popular kid at school - he just doesn't have any interest in making any friends! His phobia about friendship even extends to his best mate from childhood, Earl (RJ Cyler), whom he refers to as his "co-worker". Together, they make their own comedy versions of the movie classics that they both love, all with silly titles like A Sockwork Orange. The 2:48PM Cowboy and Gross Encounters of the Turd Kind. Then one day, Greg is forced to visit his mum's friend's daughter, Rachel (Olivia Cooke), who has recently been diagnosed with leukaemia. Both are initially resistant to the meeting, but slowly, with Earl's help, Greg begins to engage with Rachel... Adapted from the cult novel, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl mixes big laughs with emotional honesty, and proved an award-winning success at this year's Sundance Film Festival.
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